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  • “Pinnacle Rock” Point Lobos, Carmel, California

Size:     29¾”h x 20”w    Framed: 38½”h x 28½”w

Watercolor on 300lb. paper
Exhibited in the 2005 National Watercolor Society National Show

Exhibited in the 2006 California Watercolor Association National Show


This watercolor by JWAustin is a Portrait of The Pinnacle rocks at Point Lobos a few miles south of Carmel, CA.  It was studied in detail over 9 months prior to painting.  The composition comes from the actual scene from a carefully selected viewpoint.  It is painted with Daniel Smith watercolors on a full sheet of 300 lb. Fabriano Artistico paper.  A detailed light pencil drawing was rendered on the paper then the white areas are painted with a liquid masking. Numerous thin layers of transparent colors were glazed in gradated washes over the whole painting with 4-inch brush creating the atmospheric qualities. Details and shadow patterns were painted directly with fine point brushes into the rocks and water to bring out the textures and individual character of this particular place.

“Pinnacle Rock” Point Lobos, Carmel, California


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