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"Shadow Fields" by JW Austin

Le Poet-Laval, Provence, France
Size:    12"h x 18"w        Framed 21"w x 27"h
Exhibited in the California Watercolor Association National Show 2010

Arches 300lb Hot Press paper 13"x 19", (Palette Jan. 2007)
Dated: 2009

This farm and fields could be seen from our hotel terrace and a few other vantage point in town. iI was painted over several days, during which time the oats in the field beyond was cut and raked into rows.   The evening cast long shadows across the fields (Blockx Ultramarine Violet + Cobalt Violet) This painting took a new style of panting being developed on the trip and brought it together into a more dynamic painting.


"Shadow Fields" by JW Austin


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